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Mom n Pop Stuff
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has been a vendor for 1 year
was last seen: 1 day ago
ranked in the top 76% of sellers with 100% positive feedback from 189 transactions
has 93 fans - become a fan
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Today is Sunday, June 2nd. - Update our public key please and thank you!
Any % auto-finalize in a buyers stats requires them to FE for ANY order! No exceptions!
Greetings all you tasty Earth morsels! We've had a lot of computer and personal problems - life shit - that have been getting in the way of everything we try to do here including updating our profile page.
That being noted, please PM us with any questions you might have that we are either not covering here or seem confusing to you. No question is stupid. The only stupid question anyone could ask is the one not voiced!
Thanks for your time! We love you all! Take care!
Mom n Pop Stuff
We have always lobbied against Finalizing Early, but .... I guess those that do as this customer has done to us - gets put on an FE list. If that bothers you - we really would rather not have your business if you can't treat us with the same expeditious courtesy as we have bestowed onto you! At the very bottom of our info you will find a list of names we've been forced to start. If you find your name on that list - you will need to Finalize before your item can be shipped! Sorry.
Mom n Pop Stuff
Forgot to wish y'all a happy 420! So better late than never - HAPPY 420 DAY!
And hang your head in prayer for those less fortunate beings back east and in Texas.......
okay .....
Greetings follow and fella brain-pan neuron bashers! "Ah .. .. bashin dem neurons boss! Still bashin!"
We used to have pages of info for specifics concerning everything and then realizing no one ever read any of it, they were summarily removed.
However because of recent feedback we are adding back some items; Stealth - we sell to adults and or people who have control of their mail address. If you are worried your mommy or your children or ANYONE but you is going to open your package from us; please do not order from Mom n Pop Stuff. We are not stealth masters!
I.e., when we have medical cannabis to vend. We concentrate more on protecting your precious trichomes from damage instead of trying to hide them from your mommy. Flattening your buds in ANY WAY - destroys those microscopic trichomes and knocks the globs of honey off them. They immediately start to have their potency destroyed from the natural process of deterioration. Buyers who come back over and over again for when we have our medical grade cannabis available can tell you who unmolested their items arrive.
We love you encryptors; that being said - DO NOT USE PRIVENOTE to send us your shipping info. It is not secure. When opened in tor - it is destroyed before we can even see it stating that someone else already read it. This is false! Tor would not let them track you or the recipient - us! so that message is destroyed! This is privnote trying to track us. No thank you!
Be sure you check with each order that the public encryption key you used for Mom n Pop Stuff is the one below so we can open your Pgp encrypted shipping info. I know, I know, you have it or did it. Are you sure though? Just got another encryption - a week ago, same thing. We could not read their info because they used the wrong MnPS encryption key. Sorry about that. Has to do with our computer problems here. Best to just check each time to be sure you have the correct one. Thank you!
We use over 20 years of experience shipping pot to any US territory and our own trained Labs to test our packages. If our ladies can't find them then no one else can ether! That leaves only extreme acts of God and other weird shit to stop a package; just when your package happened to be floating around in USPS ...... space and your package magically opened by itself! I don't know??? All the greatest stealth in the world isn't going to protect anyone in such a case.
Good dog Boo boo!
Using your real name and address that all your mail comes to you as; You may have not known you needed to use your name exactly as it is written on ALL your mail - your package can be lost to you, to us - to anyone forever simply by changing one little thing. Don't do it! If your name is James Wood, use JAMES WOOD! Not J. Wood or J.W. This doesn't protect anyone one bit and in too many zip codes will almost guarantee you WON'T get your package!
An example of the smallest things that can stop your order; a house we had shipped to 3 times before had 4 housemates. A new recent roomie ordered a quantity of Adderall but had not kept up with the idiosyncrasies of their post office. The carrier had never seen that name at that address before and summarily returned it as "Undeliverable as Addressed".
Should it have delivered it anyway? Damn rights! But they did not and so the order was lost. That was 8 months ago and was the last time we offered refunds for their mistake.
Learning and keeping up with the idosyncracies of your specific zip code; That new roomie should have contacted the PO to let them know they had just moved in. This could have been done by phone and in no way endangered them. We no longer give refunds for instances where you played with your name/address in anyway and/or you didn't keep up with your own post offices rules/idiosyncrasies and that is what caused the return to sender.
You know it takes a warrant to open US Mail - right? So that leaves only 1 reason for you not to walk away from the worst of scenarios of an intercepted package. YOU!
If you got a kilo of pure smack in the mail and some how the package .... leaked. Reasonable cause to search happens then. And even then - you don't know who would send you anything! Certainly, you "don't know that return address and it was sitting right there by the front door where you should place any item you have ordered and to be safe you place it there with "Return to Sender" through your name.
That way, before you kicked in my door asshole - can't you see the "Return to Sender" with an black marker arrow pointing to the return address"? It wasn't even mine! This works! Been there - did that!
Don't be a wuss! Can the man fuck your world up? Ha ha - Better BELIEVE it Holmes! But if you feel your bladder going and you're going to pee all over yourself in the worst case scenario of an intercepted package - go to that place no one can hurt you and drift away if you must - shut the fuck up! Or if you like exciting games like we do - tell them you know nuthink SHULLLLLLTZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!! And tell them to go fuck themselves!
nEvEr mmmmmmmiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnndddd! I'm sure you've not read any of this anyway! Lol! That's okay too but Silk Road will no doubt agree with the fact we have posted all these disclaimers and you won't get anything in a dispute. Keep up with your Post Office's ways. Call anonymously. We've done it dozens of times! And for Christ's sake, keep up with any changes they don't announce. Get to know your local PO. It's the one with your zip code on it.
Thanks for your time!
Our items come directly from pharmacies to us to you to insure that we are selling what we say we are. This is the only way we carry anything.
We offer items made in the USA by USA manufacturers. There are so many vendors that sell non US manufactured medicines and we won't ever have those. Most times they are made in very questionable labs or garages in foreign countries.
Ask any of them who makes their .... Adderall for instance or Ritalin. Try XXXXXXXX here - they told us their manufacturer is a secret. Is that where you want to get your pills to put in your body? We wish you the best of luck!
Too 'iffy' origins for a drug to offer to potentially allergenic patients. Even our cannabis must be certified F1 strains, organically grown then flushed of even natural plant nutrients/pesticides for 1 month before harvesting! They are cured, inspected and manicured by hand to be pure for a medical patient to use without fear of any reactions!
We hope that we can help people on occasion and we're always here for you to drop a line and just chat if you wish. We know how hard that can be to accomplish in Silk Road sometimes with time outs and long log on time! And we don't stay on any more like we used to - Silk Road has changed and so has our availability to popular items. That's just how it is in Silk Roadland!
Always do your drugs responsibly! Never drive under the influence and don’t do so much of anything you do that you become out of control! If you want the right to do drugs (the dreaded DRUGS!) then do them responsibly to maintain that not ALL propaganda you see on posters and on TV/on-line has anything to do with us! Make us proud!
Thank you for considering us! Take care and good hunting!
Mom n Pop Stuff
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
..... before I sleep ... sleep .... sleeeee ....
The following Silk Road buyers names are required to Finalize payment before any further orders are shipped;
Any % auto-finalize in a buyers stats requires them to FE for ANY order! No exceptions!
Greetings all you tasty Earth morsels! We've had a lot of computer and personal problems - life shit - that have been getting in the way of everything we try to do here including updating our profile page.
That being noted, please PM us with any questions you might have that we are either not covering here or seem confusing to you. No question is stupid. The only stupid question anyone could ask is the one not voiced!
Thanks for your time! We love you all! Take care!
Mom n Pop Stuff
We have always lobbied against Finalizing Early, but .... I guess those that do as this customer has done to us - gets put on an FE list. If that bothers you - we really would rather not have your business if you can't treat us with the same expeditious courtesy as we have bestowed onto you! At the very bottom of our info you will find a list of names we've been forced to start. If you find your name on that list - you will need to Finalize before your item can be shipped! Sorry.
Mom n Pop Stuff
Forgot to wish y'all a happy 420! So better late than never - HAPPY 420 DAY!
And hang your head in prayer for those less fortunate beings back east and in Texas.......
okay .....
Greetings follow and fella brain-pan neuron bashers! "Ah .. .. bashin dem neurons boss! Still bashin!"
We used to have pages of info for specifics concerning everything and then realizing no one ever read any of it, they were summarily removed.
However because of recent feedback we are adding back some items; Stealth - we sell to adults and or people who have control of their mail address. If you are worried your mommy or your children or ANYONE but you is going to open your package from us; please do not order from Mom n Pop Stuff. We are not stealth masters!
I.e., when we have medical cannabis to vend. We concentrate more on protecting your precious trichomes from damage instead of trying to hide them from your mommy. Flattening your buds in ANY WAY - destroys those microscopic trichomes and knocks the globs of honey off them. They immediately start to have their potency destroyed from the natural process of deterioration. Buyers who come back over and over again for when we have our medical grade cannabis available can tell you who unmolested their items arrive.
We love you encryptors; that being said - DO NOT USE PRIVENOTE to send us your shipping info. It is not secure. When opened in tor - it is destroyed before we can even see it stating that someone else already read it. This is false! Tor would not let them track you or the recipient - us! so that message is destroyed! This is privnote trying to track us. No thank you!
Be sure you check with each order that the public encryption key you used for Mom n Pop Stuff is the one below so we can open your Pgp encrypted shipping info. I know, I know, you have it or did it. Are you sure though? Just got another encryption - a week ago, same thing. We could not read their info because they used the wrong MnPS encryption key. Sorry about that. Has to do with our computer problems here. Best to just check each time to be sure you have the correct one. Thank you!
We use over 20 years of experience shipping pot to any US territory and our own trained Labs to test our packages. If our ladies can't find them then no one else can ether! That leaves only extreme acts of God and other weird shit to stop a package; just when your package happened to be floating around in USPS ...... space and your package magically opened by itself! I don't know??? All the greatest stealth in the world isn't going to protect anyone in such a case.
Good dog Boo boo!
Using your real name and address that all your mail comes to you as; You may have not known you needed to use your name exactly as it is written on ALL your mail - your package can be lost to you, to us - to anyone forever simply by changing one little thing. Don't do it! If your name is James Wood, use JAMES WOOD! Not J. Wood or J.W. This doesn't protect anyone one bit and in too many zip codes will almost guarantee you WON'T get your package!
An example of the smallest things that can stop your order; a house we had shipped to 3 times before had 4 housemates. A new recent roomie ordered a quantity of Adderall but had not kept up with the idiosyncrasies of their post office. The carrier had never seen that name at that address before and summarily returned it as "Undeliverable as Addressed".
Should it have delivered it anyway? Damn rights! But they did not and so the order was lost. That was 8 months ago and was the last time we offered refunds for their mistake.
Learning and keeping up with the idosyncracies of your specific zip code; That new roomie should have contacted the PO to let them know they had just moved in. This could have been done by phone and in no way endangered them. We no longer give refunds for instances where you played with your name/address in anyway and/or you didn't keep up with your own post offices rules/idiosyncrasies and that is what caused the return to sender.
You know it takes a warrant to open US Mail - right? So that leaves only 1 reason for you not to walk away from the worst of scenarios of an intercepted package. YOU!
If you got a kilo of pure smack in the mail and some how the package .... leaked. Reasonable cause to search happens then. And even then - you don't know who would send you anything! Certainly, you "don't know that return address and it was sitting right there by the front door where you should place any item you have ordered and to be safe you place it there with "Return to Sender" through your name.
That way, before you kicked in my door asshole - can't you see the "Return to Sender" with an black marker arrow pointing to the return address"? It wasn't even mine! This works! Been there - did that!
Don't be a wuss! Can the man fuck your world up? Ha ha - Better BELIEVE it Holmes! But if you feel your bladder going and you're going to pee all over yourself in the worst case scenario of an intercepted package - go to that place no one can hurt you and drift away if you must - shut the fuck up! Or if you like exciting games like we do - tell them you know nuthink SHULLLLLLTZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!! And tell them to go fuck themselves!
nEvEr mmmmmmmiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnndddd! I'm sure you've not read any of this anyway! Lol! That's okay too but Silk Road will no doubt agree with the fact we have posted all these disclaimers and you won't get anything in a dispute. Keep up with your Post Office's ways. Call anonymously. We've done it dozens of times! And for Christ's sake, keep up with any changes they don't announce. Get to know your local PO. It's the one with your zip code on it.
Thanks for your time!
Our items come directly from pharmacies to us to you to insure that we are selling what we say we are. This is the only way we carry anything.
We offer items made in the USA by USA manufacturers. There are so many vendors that sell non US manufactured medicines and we won't ever have those. Most times they are made in very questionable labs or garages in foreign countries.
Ask any of them who makes their .... Adderall for instance or Ritalin. Try XXXXXXXX here - they told us their manufacturer is a secret. Is that where you want to get your pills to put in your body? We wish you the best of luck!
Too 'iffy' origins for a drug to offer to potentially allergenic patients. Even our cannabis must be certified F1 strains, organically grown then flushed of even natural plant nutrients/pesticides for 1 month before harvesting! They are cured, inspected and manicured by hand to be pure for a medical patient to use without fear of any reactions!
We hope that we can help people on occasion and we're always here for you to drop a line and just chat if you wish. We know how hard that can be to accomplish in Silk Road sometimes with time outs and long log on time! And we don't stay on any more like we used to - Silk Road has changed and so has our availability to popular items. That's just how it is in Silk Roadland!
Always do your drugs responsibly! Never drive under the influence and don’t do so much of anything you do that you become out of control! If you want the right to do drugs (the dreaded DRUGS!) then do them responsibly to maintain that not ALL propaganda you see on posters and on TV/on-line has anything to do with us! Make us proud!
Thank you for considering us! Take care and good hunting!
Mom n Pop Stuff
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
..... before I sleep ... sleep .... sleeeee ....
The following Silk Road buyers names are required to Finalize payment before any further orders are shipped;
category | title | price | ship to | ship from | |
Prescription | Contour 50 Blood Glucose Test Strips by Bayer!!! | ₿0.23 | United States of America | United States of America | add to cart |
Prescription | Pancreaze 10,500U caps X's 100 | ₿0.30 | United States of America | United States of America | add to cart |
Medical supplies | 2 Xs BD 10 packs Syringes 30 guage 1/2 inch 1cc!! | ₿0.20 | United States of America | United States of America | add to cart |
rating | review | freshness | item |
5 of 5 | Excellent experience. Friendly and communicative seller. Shipping was ultra fast and extras were included. I can't say enough good things about this vendor. | 1 day | item |
5 of 5 | Awesome communication! Shipped out same day ordered. Arrived safely and stealthly. Product is excellent quality-100% legit. One of my finest experiences on SR so far. | 8 days | item |
5 of 5 | What an amazing vendor. | 1 month | item |
5 of 5 | Fantastic vendor. Kept me updated every step of the way even with all the issues with the site. Even threw in a little something extra. Definitely will be returning to do business in the future. | 1 month | item |
5 of 5 | I would dare say these folks are truly the best vendor on the Silk Road. You really can't go better. Threw in a great bonus despite the small size of my order and just exceeded expectations in every way. Great conversation too. Don't hesitate to buy from them if they have what you want-- it'll probably be the best SR experience you'll have. | 1 month | item |
5 of 5 | Leave feedback here | 2 months | item |
5 of 5 | After a comedy of errors MnP came through in spades. Excellent quality and stealth beyond the extraordinary. Great communication too. Never hesitate to buy from these guys. | 2 months | item |
5 of 5 | Good Stuff, Shipped VERY fast. Good communication, Will buy from again. | 2 months | item |
5 of 5 | Lightning fast delivery. Two thumbs up. Thanks! | 3 months | item |
5 of 5 | Once again an awesome transaction from an awesome vendor! Would totally order from again and WILL. Would definitely recommend to anyone searching for a product they carry! I must say that out of ALL of my orders this vendor as far as customer service is TOPS! closest I've had was another vendor tying but no one has been better. Thanks Mom N Pop! Take care of each other.... | 3 months | item |
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